North America

 - North America- Most young children in America don’t have the opportunity to see anyone outside of the people who are abusing them so they don’t have an opportunity to tell someone.

- More than 20,000 alleged incidents of human trafficking happen in the U.S. in one year.

- About 32% of the 1200 incidents involved sex trafficking of children.

South America

·       - Human trafficking in South America is average compared to every other continent. Very few countries have high human trafficking percentages.

·      -Venezuela and Guyana have the highest percentages of human trafficking in South America.


- Australia has full use of the T.V.P.A. Australia’s rates of human trafficking is the same as North America.

-Approximately 1000 trafficked women are in Australia at any one time.

-The women, usually from Thailand and Burma, are brought into Australia by human traffickers who force them into work.

-They are usually locked in a house with other trafficked women.


-Nigeria is the only country that is in full compliance with the minimum standards of the TVPA  (Green)·       

-More than half of the countries have government’s that don’t comply with TVPA but have some significance effort. (Orange) ·        

-Five countries: Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mauritania, Eritrea and Zimbabwe, have no efforts at all to comply with TVPA.  (Red) .       


-At least half of the countries in Europe have government’s that are in full compliance with TVPA. (Green)·        

-The other half has government’s that give significance efforts to comply with TVPA. (Yellow)·        

-Greenland has no data on its level of TVPA.  


Four countries: Iran, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and Myanmar, have government’s that have no efforts to comply with TVPA at all. (Red)·        

-Only three countries: South Korea, Taiwan, and Georgia have government’s that fully comply with the minimum standards of the TVPA. (Green)·        

- More than have of the countries have government’s that don’t comply with TVPA but have some significance for efforts of stopping it. (Orange)·        

                                                                - The rest of the countries have government’s that have significant efforts to comply with TVPA. (Yellow)