
What is Human Trafficking? 

Human trafficking is modern day slavery and is the fastest growing criminal network in the world. It is the transportation or taking of people by means of threat, force, or deception for the purpose of exploiting them. The United Nations estimates that 2.5 million people are trafficked per year. It deprives people of their human rights and freedoms, it is a global health risk (AIDS and other infectious diseases), and it fuels organized crime. 

    Human trafficking is a horrible human rights violation that needs to be stopped. The thousands of people that are trafficked are raped, drugged, and even killed each year due to this problem. They can't speak out because they are afraid, they don't know what to do. Their lives are in danger if they say anything to the authorities. Let us help those who cannot help themselves. Together we can make the world a better, safer place.  


How You Can Help Raise Awareness of Human Trafficking:

- http://www.endhumantrafficking.org/ 
    This site helps raise money for PEHT (project to end human trafficking) to take trips to costa rica in order to help law enforcement and social service agencies in efforts to decrease sex trafficking in the Tamarindo region. (a non profit organization).

- http://www.lemonaid.thebodyshop-usa.com/
This organization will donate money, up to $15,000. So far they have collected more than thier present goal and are hoping to continue this pattern based on the number of people who Tweet, Facebook, and share their message. This project lifts women and girls out of trafficking in the commercial sex industry.
